Quick Actions

Welcome to the Student Attendance+ Template! This template helps you keep track of your students' attendance by using two databases: one for students and one for attendance days. With this template, you can easily mark missed and late days, and keep track of each student's attendance record. Use the “New Student” button to add new students and their relevant information, and the “New Attendance” button to create attendance for each day.


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> To create a new attendance day, simply click on the “New Attendance” button above in the Quick Actions area. Then, type in the current date in the name field. To mark a student either “late” or “absent”, simply find the correct day in the attendance table down below. Then, click into the “Late Students” or “Absent Students” area and select the given student.




<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> To create a new student, simply click on the “New Student” button above in the Quick Actions area. You may then select a student template of your choice. If you only have one class, you can select the “General - Student” template.

